Wednesday 18 December 2013

42-year-old assistant Headmaster In Bauchi arrested for rape

42-year-old Mr James Dantayi( An assistant Headmaster of Jibril Aminu Primary School in Bauchi) was arrested after police received the complaint of a rape incident in the school.
Sources have revealed that the rape victim was a primary three pupil.
“The victim who is a pupil of Jibril Aminu Primary school was raped by their assistant headmaster after school hours.
“When the girl got home, her parents became suspicious of their daughter’s disposition and decided to investigate it.
“After interrogation, they discovered that she was raped by the assistant headmaster.” - The source stated.
The victim has now been taken to the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital Bauchi for medical examination.

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